This copal (tree resin) is of high-grade quality, authentic, pure, unprocessed, and from sustainable trees in Mexico, gathered during our travels.
“Copalli” in Nahuatl (native American language in Mexico) translates to Copal in Spanish and refers to the resin that comes from the “Copalquahuit” Copalli tree from where the resin comes from. Used in ceremonies throughout America for thousands of years, it has been essential in not only ceremonies but also for medicinal uses. There are variations of copal that come from the same tree.
It is a traditional belief that the smoke of the copal blanco purifies the body, mind, spirit and space and carries our prayers and messages to Great Spirit, our guides, ancestors and helpers. There is alchemical union and balancing that occurs during the act of smudging or sahumar: the contact the Earth-Water elements (copal, other herbs, etc) make with Fire, transforms to produce smoke, now visible to us as an element of Air.
You will need a charcoal disc to burn/melt the copal.
Reusable 4oz glass jar (contains about 1.5oz copal each): $20