Lemon balm (known as “honey leaf” by the Greek’s), is classified as a nervine, meaning it acts on the nervous system to reduce an overactive stress response. It has also been referred to, very fittingly, as a “sunshine herb.” It can help to lift spirits while also relieving tension and relaxing the nervous system, in that way it is both stimulating and relaxing. Rosemary Gladstar also speaks about the gentle mood-lifting properties of lemon balm. Aside from these well-known uses, lemon balm can also be beneficial for digestion, occasional stomach upset, menstrual cramps, headaches, and restless sleep.
1 tsp per 8oz water
Honey Leaf “Uplift” contains:
Lemon Balm, Nettles, Oatstraw, Peppermint, Rose, Elderberry, Calendula
TRIO Gift Set of our 3 Herbal Tea Blends: $25 ($28 when purchased separately)
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